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News from Kliniken Köln
Lack of UV protection in car windows may contribute to increased cancer rates. A recent analysis of the glass in car windows has shown that front windshields consistently provide a high level of ultraviolet (UV) protection whereas the UV protection afforded by side windows was much lower and more variable. …
Researchers develop novel ss-siRNAs to turn off disease-related genes. Combining the therapeutic potential and advantages of existing oligonucleotide-based approaches to turn off disease-related genes, a type of single-stranded silencing RNAs (ss-siRNAs) has shown significantly improved potency and activity…
The prevalence of celiac disease (CD), an autoimmune disease, is increasing. The only treatment for CD is a gluten-free diet. However, the increasing prevalence of CD does not account for the disproportionate increase in growth of the gluten-free food industry (136% from 2013 to 2015). A Commentary scheduled…